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Filtration Separation

Conical filter

Cone filter, also known as temporary filter, as the name implies, its shape is vertebral body, belonging to the pipeline coarse filter series. Its form is simple, removing the impurities in the medium in the pipeline is the normal operation and operation of the equipment, achieving a stable process and ensuring the safe production of the equipment. The principle is that after the fluid enters the filter cartridge, its impurities are blocked, and the clean fluid flows out of the outlet. When it needs to be cleaned, only the conical filter cartridge needs to be removed and installed after cleaning. Features of conical filter: it is mainly used between the two flanges of the pipeline before the start-up of the pipeline. The equipment is simple, reliable, convenient and widely applicable.

The conical filter will be cleaned and derusted in strict accordance with the degreasing process before leaving the factory. At that time, the user can directly install it with the pipeline and put it into operation.

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