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Review meeting for localization design and test program of LNG cryogenic submersible pump was held s

更新時間:2019-11-20 23:06

On September 26, 2019, China General Machinery Industry Association and Kunlun Energy Co., Ltd. organized a review meeting on localization design and test program of LNG cryogenic submersible pump in Shanghai.

China General Machinery Industry Association, Kunlun energy science and technology management department, Kunlun energy Shenzhen LNG, Sinopec Guangzhou Engineering Co., Ltd., Kunlun energy Jingtang LNG, China Huanqiu Engineering Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch, Sinopec Beihai LNG, Kunlun energy Jiangsu LNG, Sinopec Shanghai Engineering Co., Ltd., Kunlun energy Dalian LNG, Shanghai LNG Co., Ltd., Hudong Zhonghua Relevant leaders and experts from shipyard (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Jiaotong University, Nantong University, Jiangsu torchi Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. and other units attended the review meeting.

In the process of localization of submersible pump, Jiangsu tuochi is responsible for the process package design and general contracting construction of the R & D and test center for submersible pump and low temperature major core equipment, and supports and cooperates with the builder in applying for the national test center.

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